In the Christian Culture, today Easter is celebrated by the resurrection of a man called Jesus who died for the sins of many on a icon, the cross, made of wood. For me this season is at a deeper level the awareness of new life that stirs in and upon the earth each year!
Having learned about the circle of life through my Lakota and Dakota teacher here on the prairie, I am so grateful to hear the call of the geese this morning as I meditate and write over a cup of coffee.
Great Spirit, teach men,
again, the Natural Laws.
The Goose Stamp above is from my China Stamp Collection and I am learning it is from the period after the Last Emperor was disposed and the struggle for one China and a form of government ensued.
I think about my friends in China now, in the 21st Century, and how the environment and nature will be cared for. Grateful to have met Dan Zhou from Fujian here in Minnesota who occasionally calls me from Shanghai, and Tony Zhu from Nanjing and rural Jiansu provence I met in Zhongguo in 2011, who have become friends in the next generation.
Geese are teachers of "The lead Goose when it tires will fall back within the flock and another Goose will take its place as navigator. This indicates that we too need to pay attention to when we are tired and to allow others to take the lead for a time if we are one is in need of rest and rejuvenation. If any Geese are injured or become ill during their flight and descend to the earth, their mate or another Goose, if the bird is without a mate, will follow and remain with them until the fallen bird either recovers or dies. No Goose is ever left to die on its own and this too is a reminder for us that we are never alone, Spirit and the Universe are always with us. For those that have this bird as a totem, its a strong indication that you too need to be extremely loyal to those things and people in your life that you feel a strong bond or connection with and to be sure that those you allow close to you are also loyal to you."
Read more about Goose Medicine.
Having learned about the circle of life through my Lakota and Dakota teacher here on the prairie, I am so grateful to hear the call of the geese this morning as I meditate and write over a cup of coffee.
Elder's Meditation of the Day - March 31
"The old Lakota was wise. He knew
that man's heart away from nature becomes hard; he knew the lack of respect
for growing, living things soon led to a lack of respect for humans too. So
he kept his youth close to its softening influence."
-- Luther Standing Bear, OGLALA SIOUX
When we live in nature it's like
constantly being in school. We are in an environment that is always teaching.
We are constantly being reminded hat there are laws, Natural Laws, which are
running the universe. Once we know these laws and we drift from them, we
start to live our lives in a different way. Soon we become discontent,
selfish, and disrespectful. Then, we get in trouble. If our lives have become
this way, it can be reversed by going back to nature to be among our teachers.
The Goose Stamp above is from my China Stamp Collection and I am learning it is from the period after the Last Emperor was disposed and the struggle for one China and a form of government ensued.
I think about my friends in China now, in the 21st Century, and how the environment and nature will be cared for. Grateful to have met Dan Zhou from Fujian here in Minnesota who occasionally calls me from Shanghai, and Tony Zhu from Nanjing and rural Jiansu provence I met in Zhongguo in 2011, who have become friends in the next generation.
Geese are teachers of "The lead Goose when it tires will fall back within the flock and another Goose will take its place as navigator. This indicates that we too need to pay attention to when we are tired and to allow others to take the lead for a time if we are one is in need of rest and rejuvenation. If any Geese are injured or become ill during their flight and descend to the earth, their mate or another Goose, if the bird is without a mate, will follow and remain with them until the fallen bird either recovers or dies. No Goose is ever left to die on its own and this too is a reminder for us that we are never alone, Spirit and the Universe are always with us. For those that have this bird as a totem, its a strong indication that you too need to be extremely loyal to those things and people in your life that you feel a strong bond or connection with and to be sure that those you allow close to you are also loyal to you."
Read more about Goose Medicine.
The 1910s
The revolution of 1911 resulted in overprints on the imperial stamps in 1912; at Foochow to indicate that the post office was effectively a neutral area available to both sides, and at Nanking and Shanghai reading "Republic of China" (from top to bottom: simplified Chinese: 中华民国; traditional Chinese: 中華民國; pinyin:zhōnghuámínguó). An additional set of overprints was produced by Waterlow and Sons in London, and postmasters throughout the country made their own unofficial overprints using the same characters.
Here is a special sheet commemorating the 90th anniversary of Chinese Postage Stamps that I purchased in 1958 directly from the Taiwanese Philatelic Agency. The
Here is a special sheet commemorating the 90th anniversary of Chinese Postage Stamps that I purchased in 1958 directly from the Taiwanese Philatelic Agency. The