Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Minnewasta Hotel Roberd's Lake - Faribault, Minn 1919 - Rand McNally Auto Trails District 9 Map

 Found this Folder advert for Minnewasta Hotel, Robert's Lake, Faribault, Minn - Dated 1919, that I plan to donate to the Rice County Historical Society soon ----Likely my parents who arrived in Faribault in 1939, got this from someone at Shattuck like John and Berne Foster who mentored them and took them fishing early on ----
Names of Bennett, Brown and Baultman, Props, and Dewerey and Donohen that sell the tackle that catches the fish South of Grand Theater - L Planto Fine Havana Cigar, Manufacturer 

Inside the folder with the Rand McNally Auto Trails Map District 9  
Southern Minnesota with Auto Trails marked and red letters for advertisers ---blue numbers is population of the towns
Faribault population of 9712, Warsaw 122, Morristown 592 , Northfield 3065 etc 
Key to Auto Trails 1 - 37 
 Key to trails through 29 through 81