Here are Jeremy and Jasmin at the Soul Tree Organic Cafe in Glen Forrest. Great food to start before Jeremy, Ochre and I did at walk in the bush.
Nyaania Creek Rehab Site for walk up the Creek. Jeremy from MKP Australia and his son Ochre led me on a walk up this valley in the Perth Hills.
Isopogon dubius (R.Br.) Druce Pincushion Coneflower;Proteaceae, one of the first plants we discovered. Helpful that Jeremy was born in the hills and does gardening!
Ochre, Jeremy's 4 year old son, and Jeremy crossing the creek midway in the walk in the bush.
Diuris longifolia R.Br. Common Donkey Orchid; found along the trail.
Cycads along the creek. All my early botany classes coming to life. Thanks to my first botanical mentor at Carleton College, Bill Muir for advocating an understanding of the spore bearing plants!
Love that donkey orchid!