Monday, August 2, 2010

Newell Roden Family Wedding - What Inclusion Looks and Feels Like!

When Jane and I adopted each other as brother and sister, intentionally after meeting at a Loft Memoir Writing Class a few years back, and committing to a Lakota "hunka" ceremony, things began to shift for me in my ability to be fully present and integrity.
Here, in Mears Park, are Deborah Aurianivar, who is a brilliant Traditional Chinese Medicine Practicioner (she flew in for the weekend from Phoenix AZ), Jane Newell and Don Roden the bride and groom and yours truly. Jane's brother of choice in front of the creek in Mears Park, downtown St Paul. Deborah's healing presence, and her connection to my Chinese friend, Xiaosong Liu was very supportive for my being fully present for the wedding, reading On Marriage by Gibran and then fully participating in a wedding reception as a family member for the first time.

Here is a photo of me, reflecting the deep joy of presence I had as Don and Jane and their MC, told the heartfelt story of their courtship and then their powerful loving abundant stand for those in their lives. For all children to be loved, no exeptions!

Here I am after dancing for a while and getting a sweat on, being open to continue to dance through the evening. Jane and Don's brilliant way of acknowledging their connection to everyone in the room, for me, created an atmosphere of safety and wanted to connect with relatives of all ages!

Here are Deborah and men just connecting during the evening!

1 comment:

  1. Translation for comments:

    1. For men, marriage is a gamble of freedom; for woman, it is a gamble of happiness.

    2. All property, if can not be forgiven, will turn into debt.

    3. In terms of interaction with people around you, it's better to use eyes to talk rather than using mouth to think.

    4. He who refuses to be adventurous and grow up from adventure will be drained off from life.

    5. Poverty tries friends...

    6. This is the first time for me to read your blog. Very interesting!

    7. You are writing blog with your heart. We would like to visit you often.

    8. Good blog is sharing. Thanks for sharing.
