Tuesday, April 29, 2014

1929 Road Trip of Weaver and Roehm Familes. Gallipolis to the Virginia Coast and more!

 Noah Elwood and Edna created a larger format album, starting in 1929, with a road/camping trip with the Tom and Gladys Roehm family and their only child, Paul Henry Weaver, home from his first year at Antioch College.  Very few labels and I have discerned that this was an educational trip through the mountains and coasts of WV, Tenn., Virginia, North Carolina and Kentucky.  Tom Roelm was a school teacher in Dayton and the boy here appears to be Gladys and Tom 's step son, Laurence Reichelderfer, born Miamisburg OH 7 Nov 1920.
 Beginning of the trip,  Laurence Reichelderfer, Gladys Roehm, Edna Eicher Weaver and Paul Henry Weaver on the bridge over the Ohio.  Taken by Tom Roehm. P 2 of Larger Format Green Album
 On Page 3, in Edna's white penmanship "Miner's Cottages Kanawha R. Heaps of them for miles and miles. On stilts on hillsides.  Valley narrow and long. Coke ovens along RR tracks. Churchs (sic) interesting. " (TW comments - noticing the haze in the back ground.  Coke is a by product of coal.  WV is known for long term coal mining.   Learn about Coke - Coal.
Kanawha River   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanawha_River

 Kanawha Falls - Meeting of New and Gauley Rivers at Gualey Bridge,  P 3 Edna Weaver with 19 yr old Paul Henry Weaver by the car.. (Note the haze in the background)

"Near Kanawha Falls" Stairs with Paul H Weaver and Laurence stepson of Roehms. P 3

 P 4 Around Hawks Nest from Observation Tower.  Note x where the tents are set up.

P 4 Camp Site with umbrella tents of the Roehm Family left and Weaver Family right.  Near Hawks Nest West Virginia. 

P 4,  Donkey or mule with Laurence, Gladys, Tom and Paul Henry. Feeding the alarm clock :-)

Tom Roehm, Jr High teacher in Dayton, feeding "the alarm clock".  P4 1929 near Hawks Nest New River WV.  
Noah Elwood Weaver on observation tower, near Hawk's Nest,  New River, West Virginia. P4
 View from Observation Tower.  South by NEW P5.
 View East from observation tower by Noah Elwood Weaver, P 5.
View of New River from observation desk, NEW P 5
 Page 8, 1929 Large Format album. Paul Henry Weaver. Laurence Riechelderfer drinking from old well, with Edna H Eicher Weaver and Noah Elwood Weaver looking on.

1929 Sewell Mt West Virginia, 3180 ft Lee's Tree Tavern with Edna Weaver and Laurence  Riechelderfer by Noah Elwood Weaver, page 9..

Roehm and Weaver Families at White Sulphur Springs, 1929 - Bottom image with Tom Roehm, Paul H Weaver back to camera, Gladys Roehm and Laurence Riechelderfer on page 9.

Winding Road Beyond White Sulphur Springs WV.   P10

Thursday, April 17, 2014

1927 Noah Elwood Weaver photos - Buick Camping trip with Paul H and Edna H E Weaver - National Hiway PA, MD - New York - Canada Niagara Falls

 In reviewing an album of Noah Elwood Weaver, prior to archiving it in Ohio for future generations of researchers,  I am discerning who is in the photos and the chronology as best I can.  There are very few labels on the photos and I have numbered the pages, hoping that they photos were attached in mostly chronological order.  The 1927 white Ohio license plate on the Buick car is helpful. 
 Here is the Buick I think at Woodland Cemetery in Dayton with Esther Eicher, the single older sister of Edna Helena Eicher Weaver, the wife of Noah Elwood.  I sense this is early in the year of 1927. Found on page two of the album I have named Noah Elwood Weaver Album 1927-1928.  p 2 1927-8 Album

1927 album page 5, beginning of travel east through Ohio hill country on National Pike.

Paul Henry Weaver, age 17 and Edna Eicher Weaver at valley camp site, summer 1927 page 5 of album.
Boy with watering can, filling radiator at Big Watering Trough  W side of Laurel MT near Uniontown PA.Page 7
Buildings at Big Watering Trough, with boy carrying water can behind other cars in PA on the National Hiway.  Album p  7

 On page 8 of the album in 1927, is Edna Weaver standing by the door of the Buick at Negro Mountain the highest point on the National Highway according to the Mohawk Hobbs Guide he included on the page below.
 Casselman Bridge East of Grantsville, MD. between Negro and Big Savage Mt page 8.

Uniontown PA to Cumberland ME Elevations of the National Hiway as illustrated by the Mohawk Hobbs Guide c 1926.  Page 8 of Album

1927 view of the National Highway in the mountains of Maryland, page 9

Tent with Buick covered rain on top of one of the mountains.  See sign and building in the background. Page 9 1927 trip
Cumberland to Hagerstown on 1926c Mohawk-Hobbs Guide..Album Page 9.

Hilltop, Garage, Top of Mountain in Maryland?.  N Elwood Weaver in Straw Hat.  Album p 10 1927

Campground with Buick Covered with Tent Tarp.  Maryland? Penna?  P 10 1927 Trip Album.
 Paul Henry Weaver climbing rock outcropping side of road. MD, PA?  p 11 of NEWeaver'sAlbum
Rocky Hill top climb with what looks to be a Civil War Soldier Statue on the top rock.  Edna E Weaver likely to the right with hat and coat.  Page 11 Album. 1927

On Page 12 of the 1927 trip, I fold this card from Covington PA which is in northern mid PA, as it appears the Weaver family was going to New York State.   p 12 Album

Here is EdnaHEWeaver with her 17 yr old son, Paul Henry having a picnic. Perhaps this is in Covington PA as the photo is mounted below the card of Locust Auto Park on page 12 of the 1927 Album.  NB - On Oct 30, 2017 I got an inquiry if this image could be used at a new Museum in Boonsboro MD and I of course responded YES, please credit Noah Elwood Weaver  -link to his albums I archived at Wright State U https://www.libraries.wright.edu/special/search/?q=Noah+Elwood+Weaver And link to new museum on the National Road http://nationalrdfoundation.com/national-road-museum/

Tourist Accomodation.  No other info is written.  Likely had a break from camping in New York on the way to Niagara....p13 Album

Noah Elwood and Edna H Eicher Weaver 1927, by Niagara Falls, likely taken by their son, Paul H Weaver...Note the height difference.  It is said Edna was over 6 feet tall, and her older sister, Emma Esther was 6 ' 2".  p 14

Photo of Niagara Falls from the Ontario Canada side.  Note Table Rock House in the foreground.
See Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_Rock_Welcome_Centre  p 18

Maid of the Mist boat in 1927. Photo by NEW.  p 17
Camping place near Niagara Falls Noah Elwood and Edna Weaver, likely by Paul H Weaver. 1927p 21
 Bridge near the camp site as photographed by NEW, 1927p 21

P 22, home of mystery family, not labeled, likely in a city near the big lake, Erie? Boys on the porch. Too blurry to make out the license plate if NY or PA, OH?
Three Boys in front of home. Left is son in the mystery family, not labeled on page 23 Noah Elwood Weaver 1927-28 Album.  
Noah Elwood Weaver on the left with mystery man, son and wife, Edna Helena Eicher Weaver in hat on a pier in likely one of the Great Lakes.  Trip back from Niagara likely Lake Erie.  Page 22 of the album.  

Mystery family of son on right, mom in front middle and dad on right, with Edna Weaver with her hat and Paul H Weaver in the background.  Page 24, same family by the big lake. Erie? On the Weaver family's way back to Ohio?  No labels in the album as all.  Would like help with identification.

Romanesque "Tower" where photos were taken, page 24, 1927-28 Album.
 Boy up on the old Romanesque Tower p 24.  No ID as to the location...Please send a comment if you know this place.

On Page 28 of the Album this card from the National Highway, Addison PA, shows an Old Toll Gate built in 1814. On the same page as the Harrisburg PA state capital.

On p 27 "S Curves" on Polish Mt, Allegany Co MD, National Highway.....17 curves on the west side of the Mountain.  Commercial card by CEG 1927. 
 Commercial Card from Cumberland on the National Highway posted on page 25 of Album.
 Commercial Card from Cumberland on the National Highway posted on page 25 of Album.

 Commercial Card from Cumberland on the National Highway posted on page 26 of Album.
 Commercial Card from Cumberland on the National Highway posted on page 26 of Album.